Our Software Clients

WIDS clients often have unique and varying curriculum initiatives, but all focus on their key stakeholder -- their learners. Our clients range from education organizations to business and government agencies. We consider clients partners in education, advocating for sound instructional design and accountability for student learning. Many have been WIDS clients since the company began in 1994!

Software - Client Case Studies

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College

At Southwest Wisconsin Technical College (SWTC), in Fennimore, Wisconsin, a WIDS user since 1994, course curriculum development includes learning plans, assessments and rubrics.  The relational database that serves as the foundation of the new WIDS ensures that changes made in any part of a curriculum project are instantaneously made everywhere else in the curriculum.  SWTC curriculum specialists can instantly see all courses, the dates they were last revised, and the name of the person who revised them.  SWTC uses WIDS to:

  • Track the history of changes to curriculum
  • Track progress of Student Learning Outcomes
  • Link courses to program outcomes
  • Create syllabi that links directly to the Learning Management System

 “WIDS has provided a solid foundation for curriculum design at Southwest Wisconsin Technical College (SWTC).  Faculty have a shared language and vision rooted in their use of WIDS to design systems of teaching and learning.  The WIDS Outcome Assessment Plan feature allows faculty to efficiently analyze student learning outcomes.  Faculty teams use the tool to set expected levels of achievement and to document their plans for continuously improving teaching and learning,” says Cynde Larsen, Director of Health Occupations and Student Learning Assessment. “Faculty have appreciated the many resources and quick response to their suggestions for WIDS enhancements, “ says Denise Janssen, WIDS Administrator.

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