Northwood Technical College
HLC criterion 4.C.5. states that “Instructors communicate course requirements to students in writing in a timely manner.” Northwood determined that the writing would be in the form of a syllabus. In April 2013, the Academic Affairs Administrative Team decided to use WIDS as the place that would “document” this process.
Using WIDS:
- Assures syllabi have the correct title, number, description, and course competencies
- Provides consistency and accuracy in college policies
- Allows faculty to share or copy syllabi and customize for their own sections
- Provides Student Services Deans, Academic Deans, Academic Affairs, and Counselors access to syllabi for transfer requests and other student needs
In Fall 2018, Northwood implemented Blackboard integration for all credit courses. All courses will have syllabi, course outcome summary reports and grading.