Our Software Clients

WIDS clients often have unique and varying curriculum initiatives, but all focus on their key stakeholder -- their learners. Our clients range from education organizations to business and government agencies. We consider clients partners in education, advocating for sound instructional design and accountability for student learning. Many have been WIDS clients since the company began in 1994!

Software - Client Case Studies

Mid-State Technical College

Mid-State Technical College

Mid-State Technical College uses WIDS to conduct thorough audits of the curriculum in order to identify what curricular components have been completed within each program and each course.

Mid-State’s faculty use WIDS to:

  • Develop course competencies, performance standards and learning objectives using the libraries and banks supplied by WIDS
  • Generate WIDS Course Outcome Summary reports
  • Integrate WIDS curriculum with Blackboard course shells
  • House information on textbooks and grading scales
  • Document opportunities for Credit for Prior Learning
  • Record TSA Documentation
  • Implement Program Outcome Assessment Planning and Analysis
  • Create dual credit syllabi for high schools to use when offering courses 
  • Create college-wide syllabus templates
  • Submit and archive syllabi
  • Map college-wide employability skills
  • Map general education outcomes
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