Our Software Clients

WIDS clients often have unique and varying curriculum initiatives, but all focus on their key stakeholder -- their learners. Our clients range from education organizations to business and government agencies. We consider clients partners in education, advocating for sound instructional design and accountability for student learning. Many have been WIDS clients since the company began in 1994!

Software - Client Case Studies

Central Community College

Central Community College

Central Community College in Nebraska has been a WIDS client since 2000. Central offers 980 courses and has a course outcome summary and course syllabus associated with each.

Central has three campuses and the possibility of 12 faculty teaching the same course. WIDS allows curriculum consistency across the college and for each instructor to create their personal syllabi tailored to their instructional delivery method.

The WIDS cloud-based software has helped Central expand their use of WIDS into program design and development with 11 programs currently. Central has also begun utilizing WIDS for Assessment of Student Learning data collection and reporting. Document storage in WIDS is an asset.

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