Our Software Clients

WIDS clients often have unique and varying curriculum initiatives, but all focus on their key stakeholder -- their learners. Our clients range from education organizations to business and government agencies. We consider clients partners in education, advocating for sound instructional design and accountability for student learning. Many have been WIDS clients since the company began in 1994!

Software - Client Case Studies

Portage College

Portage College

Canada’s Portage College in Lac La Biche, Alberta wanted a single source solution for their curriculum. In 2017 Portage began a pilot implementation of the software and in a very short time have fully implemented WIDS as their ‘single source of truth’.  Portage has embraced the capabilities in the WIDS tool to accomplish the following:

  • standardize curriculum design processes for course outlines and syllabi
  • move from a paper-based curriculum system to a database where roles, permissions, and approvals could help manage curriculum integrity
  • align and map accreditation standards/competencies to programs and courses
  • review programs using WIDS Outcome Assessment Planning and Analysis in a way that aligned with the college’s Academic Quality Assurance guidelines
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