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Do you have a curriculum grant project? Perhaps you’d like assistance on program review and assessment planning to meet accreditation requirements? WIDS consultants have worked with a diverse group of organizations and projects. We look forward to working with you soon!

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TriCounty Technical College
Categories: Training

TriCounty Technical College

WIDS has had a variety of consulting projects with Tri-County Technical College (TCTC) in South Carolina. One of the first was an outcomes workshop, which prepared program chairs to design and evaluate program and course outcome statements and assessment strategies.

The following year, WIDS assisted nursing faculty with revising the associate degree nursing program to meet curriculum quality standards. Through a series of webinars and on-site meetings, WIDS helped to define project timelines and quality criteria. In meeting with the nursing program faculty, the team developed outcomes, assessment strategies, performance criteria, Performance Assessment Tasks (PATs), and Outcome Assessment Plans for the upcoming summer and fall semesters. Another on-site meeting resulted in faculty finalizing program documentation and planning for reviewing/revising course competencies and assessment strategies to align with new program outcomes.

WIDS also provided customized training and coaching to prepare TCTC Curriculum Specialists to facilitate collaborative curriculum development processes. The training included three days of faculty work sessions related to a TCTC program revision project.

Project activities included:

  • WIDS Consultant coaching TCTC Curriculum Specialists in facilitating collaborative curriculum processes to accomplish a TCTC program revision project
  • Curriculum specialists practice coaching faculty in the design of courses and programs
  • Curriculum specialists adaptation of the WIDS Curriculum Development Process Models for use with potential TCTC curriculum projects
  • Curriculum specialists plans for faculty work sessions for a program revision project
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