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Do you have a curriculum grant project? Perhaps you’d like assistance on program review and assessment planning to meet accreditation requirements? WIDS consultants have worked with a diverse group of organizations and projects. We look forward to working with you soon!

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Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Categories: Project Management

Northeast Wisconsin Technical College

In 2012, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC) in Green Bay, WI, took the Wisconsin Technical College System-wide lead on a U.S. Department of Labor TAACCCT grant. This $14.9 million, three-year grant (2012-15) focused on expanding and enhancing programs to close the skills gap in advanced manufacturing. As part of the grant requirements, deliverables produced by the grant were to be reviewed by third-party subject matter experts. NWTC partnered with WIDS consultants to conduct this third-party review and report on the system-wide grant deliverables.

To support NWTC in meeting grant requirements, WIDS consultants:

  • Researched the curriculum deliverables anticipated and actualized by the 16 colleges.
  • Developed and delivered third-party reviewer reports to confirm that key grant deliverables were met by the colleges.
  • Collaborated with NWTC grant managers and WTCS college leadership to gather curriculum documentation needed for grant completion. This curriculum was developed in each college’s WIDS site and is also posted on SkillsCommons.org!

Does your organization need third-party reviewers or assistance in posting your grant-funded work on SkillsCommons? WIDS can help!



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