WIDS® Consulting Service Clients

Do you have a curriculum grant project? Perhaps you’d like assistance on program review and assessment planning to meet accreditation requirements? WIDS consultants have worked with a diverse group of organizations and projects. We look forward to working with you soon!

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Community College of Rhode Island

Community College of Rhode Island

WIDS led a DACUM on Advanced Manufacturing for the Community College of Rhode Island. Phase 1 of the project included DACUM activities:

  • a planning webinar
  • a one-day on-site session with subject matter experts
  • a validation survey with results compiled
  • follow-up webinars to review results and finalize the DACUM

Phase 2 of the project focused on the curriculum mapping and development plan. This involved:

  • a one-day on-site work session with Advanced Manufacturing faculty to map DACUM tasks to existing advanced manufacturing courses
  • providing guidance for planning curriculum development
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