Which WIDS Course is Perfect for You?
Every month the WIDS Learning Center will open registration for a number of their online courses. Each course has been designed by a WIDS consultant, an instructional designer with years of expertise in education and curriculum design. Many courses provide access to use the WIDS Software system too. Courses are housed in Moodle and use best-practices for online learning and assessment. Take a peek at the list of great opportunities for instructional designers, faculty, program directors or chairs, and trainers. Pick one that works for your schedule. We'd love to 'see' you online!
WIDS Performance-Based Learning Framework -- a FREE module that introduces the WIDS principles of instructional design, which uses a performance-based learning framework. This model has informed the design of our software system, used by clients around the world to develop the curriculum. When finished, earn the WIDS PBL Framework digital badge. Register anytime!
Writing Course Outcomes -- is a course appropriate for teachers and curriculum developers involved in course design at all levels of the education spectrum. A WIDS expert will coach, guide, and encourage you as you develop a Learning Outcome Framework report to help you start designing performance-based instruction. Successful course completion earns the WIDS Writing Course Outcomes digital badge. This course runs every month.
WIDS Program Design -- is appropriate for those involved in program development. Use the WIDS Software and model of performance-based learning design to develop program outcomes and related criteria, assign outcomes to courses where they are taught and assessed, create curriculum maps, design assessment tasks, and assessment plans. Meet the performance criteria and earn a WIDS digital badge. This course starts every other month.
WIDS Course Design -- allows you to design a course using the WIDS model of instructional design and the WIDS Software in just four weeks. A WIDS Consultant will review your submitted work and provide coaching feedback along the way. Develop a Course Outcome Summary (outline), Performance Assessment Task, Learning Plan, and Syllabus documentation. Meet all course criteria and earn a WIDS digital badge. Our next session begins on February 1, 2021.
Outcome Assessment Planning -- is a two-week asynchronous learning experience that uses the WIDS Software to accomplish outcome assessment planning. Develop measurable outcomes, outcome indicators, summative assessment strategies, and curriculum maps. A WIDS consultant will coach and encourage you as needed. Successful completion of this course earns the WIDS Outcome Assessment Planning digital badge. This course starts every other month.
Curriculum Mapping -- applies the concepts and principles of the WIDS learning design model to a project. Use the WIDS Software to write learning outcomes and create curriculum maps that illustrate where outcomes are taught and assessed in program courses. Meet the course criteria -- earn a WIDS badge! This course starts every other month.
Performance Assessment in Online Lear
ning -- allows you to use the WIDS Software to design performance assessment tasks for your online or hybrid course. Explore strategies for facilitating a performance-based assessment task by developing learning outcomes and performance criteria for your online assessments. Meet all of the performance criteria and earn a WIDS digital badge. This course starts every other month.
Designing Online Learning -- follows the WIDS performance-based learning approach to design curriculum for an online or hybrid course of your choice. Use the WIDS software and current online learning best practices to course design. Earn a WIDS digital badge when you meet the performance criteria. This course starts every other month.