Single Source of Truth
Colleges have curriculum information in multiple places: program details may be on the college website, course outcomes on a teacher’s syllabus, and a syllabus in the Learning Management System (LMS).
How can colleges guarantee that information is accurate, consistent, and available to everyone who needs it? By having a single source of truth—and WIDS is the tool to make that happen.
WIDS helps you organize all of your curriculum in a single location. The result is accurate and consistent information across the organization.
Why do colleges choose WIDS as their single source of truth?
- WIDS is accessible to everyone in the organization. Often the student information system holds curriculum information—but faculty might not have access. The LMS can include course outcomes, but faculty can only see their own courses and outcome results. This makes best-practice sharing difficult.With WIDS and Active Directory, data can be integrated to provide easy access for everyone in the college who needs information related to outcomes, courses, programs and syllabi.
- WIDS can integrate with other systems. Data can be pushed to your student information sstem (so when course credits change, they are auto updated). Data can be pushed to your college catalogue or website to make sure program information is accurate and consistent.
- WIDS provides robust tools for all things curriculum. Using WIDS you can design and store institutional outcomes and assessments, program information and outcomes, curriculum maps, external standards, course outlines, syllabi, and rubrics. (And that’s not all!) You can quickly find current and previous versions of syllabi.You can generate reports for accreditation on the fly.
- WIDS provides real time updates. When organizational outcomes change, syllabi are automatically updated to include the new outcomes and expired outcomes fall off. When a course credit value changes, that change is automatically included in new syllabi developed. Remembering all the changes made in a program or course isn’t necessary;if you update it in one location in WIDS, it updates everywhere.
Are you looking to streamline curriculum management at your college? Do you need a single source of truth? Contact us to schedule a customized webinar to see the WIDS software.