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Performance Standards Part 2 - Criteria
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Performance Standards Part 2 - Criteria

In Part 1, we looked at how performance standards relate to competencies.  Developing assessment strategies to assess those competencies is the first step.

In Part 2, we’ll see how you can write criteria for your selected strategies. The criteria for your selected strategies generally fall into seven categories:

Characteristics, qualities, or elements. This type of criterion describes, in a qualitative way, characteristics, aspects or attributes of a successful outcome. When you write criteria in this category, you answer the question "What does satisfactory performance look like (what is the learner doing), sound like, feel like, taste like, smell like?"


Competency: Conduct an employee orientation.
Strategy: In a mock employee interview
Criteria:  When you explain the terms of a given employment contract using lay language

Accuracy or Tolerance. This type of criterion describes how accurately, or within what tolerance limit the performance must be done.


Competency: Produce a machine-tooled part from a blueprint
Strategy: In a lab-based skill demonstration
Criteria: When the machine-tooled part is within +/- 0.001 inch tolerance, as measured by a micrometer

Speed. This type of criterion describes how fast, or at what speed or rate the performance must be completed.


Competency: Take patient blood pressure
Strategy: Using a blood pressure cuff and stethoscope
Criteria: When you take an accurate blood pressure reading within five minutes

Percent or Number. This type of criterion states what percentage or number of items produced must meet the other standards.


Competency: Record dental history for new patients
Strategy: In a mock patient visit
Criteria:  When dental history items are all complete and accurately recorded

Permissible Errors. This type of criterion states how many errors are permitted in a satisfactory erformance.


Competency: Translate a business letter written in Spanish to English
Strategy: In a written assignment
Criteria: When the translation contains no more than two errors.

Reference to Existing Standards. This type of criterion specifies existing, published standards, criteria, or specifications that the performance must meet. Criteria in this category can also refer to an existing performance checklist that you have created and included with the curriculum. ‘


Competency: Follow universal precautions when dealing with body fluids
Strategy: In a mock first aid role play
Criteria:When you follow universal precautions for assisting an injured employee who is bleeding.

Degree of Excellence. This type of criterion describes the degree of quality, excellence or durability required of the performance.


Competency: Buff the exterior of a vehicle
Strategy: Using the given equipment
Criteria: When the vehicle exterior shine reflects a piece of paper

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