WIDS at HLC 2021: Showcase Presentation
The 2021 WIDS Showcase Presentation at the Higher Learning Commission - HLC Virtual Conference provided three examples of how WIDS clients use the software. College program and course outcomes, assessment strategies, and performance criteria are designed and aligned in WIDS. Developing consistent syllabi and planning for assessment development and review is easier when the instructional components reside in the WIDS software. The 2021 WIDS presentation featured three WIDS clients sharing their initiatives toward HLC compliance and continuous improvement. Featured were:
- Nicole Cooksey, Curriculum Consultant at Western Technical College (WTC), shared how the software's syllabus feature provided clarity and consistency in syllabi design, a sense of belonging to students in any course at the college, and an archive of all syllabi in a given term.
- Lynn Neitzel, Director of Teaching and Learning Resources at Blackhawk Technical College (BTC), shared how the college embraced the WIDS Outcome Assessment Planning software tool to plan, review, and analyze how their assessment strategies were meeting the standards established for student learning success.
- Jennifer Brown, Dean of Instruction at North Central Kansas Technical College, wanted to use the tool that already defined program and courses at their college. NCKTC has started using the WIDS Software to define their co-curricular outcomes and assessments.
Learn from these WIDS experts how the software has been instrumental in accomplishing their HLC goals.