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Streamlining Quality Improvement Cycle for HLC in One System
Categories: Blog Posts

Streamlining Quality Improvement Cycle for HLC in One System

Colleges want to connect evidence of planning and quality improvement to their strategic initiatives. For WIDS software client Blackhawk Technical College (BTC) in Wisconsin, connecting the HLC Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) Action Project with curriculum development and quality review processes was a challenge. They wanted a solution that would give them "one location to keep information for AQIP Action projects, Quality Review, Curriculum Development, Assessment Analysis and Results, etc.”

BTC knew using a system that would track and store the AQIP Action Project plan, house the cross-institutional project plan details and store the executed plan results would ease the work load for the many departments, instructors and administrators involved. A system-wide tool would also streamline the process for providing evidence for the quality improvement cycle for HLC.

The system they needed, they had all along -- WIDS!

Read the latest WIDS Library Resource article to learn more about how BTC used WIDS to streamline HLC's AQIP projects.
