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Performance Standards Part 1 -  Strategies
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Performance Standards Part 1 - Strategies

Performance standards give you a tool to clarify what you expect of your learners in a tangible way.  When learners have a concrete idea of what is expected of them in observable measurable ways, they are empowered to take more responsibility for their learning.

Performance standards define the skill described in the competency and clarify the required levels of performance. They also lead instructors to assessment. You’ll write the condition or strategy to use for assessing student learning. Then you’ll write the criteria based on the strategy.

There are six broad types of assessment strategies to consider:

  • Format. (In a written assignment…, In a skill demonstration…, By making a speech…)
  • Resources Given. (Using available equipment…, With information from your book…)
  • Resources Denied. (Without using a calculator…, Using only five supplies…)
  • Environment. (In a simulated work situation…, In a clinical setting…, In a small group discussion…)
  • Information Given. (Using the given directions…, Given a written scenario…)
  • Deadlines. (By the end of the semester, Before beginning Unit 2…)

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