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Curriculum Mapping - Smarter Linking

Curriculum Mapping - Smarter Linking

Curriculum maps communicate where the outcomes students need are addressed in your courses.  You can create curriculum maps using a variety of outcomes: program outcomes, core abilities, general education outcomes or standards.

Curriculum maps answer these questions:  

  • Do students get adequate practice in a skill before they are expected to demonstrate mastery?
  • Should faculty restructure one or more courses to improve the frequency and depth of practice that students encounter for some learning outcomes?
  • Are the learning outcomes addressed in a logical order that allows students to progress from novice to greater levels of expertise?
  • Do all required courses contribute to one or more program-level student learning outcomes?

How to Create Curriculum Maps

Curriculum maps aren’t all created equal.  To make a map that works—consider these tips.

1. Not every course is going to link to every outcome.  It makes sense that capstone courses, final clinical courses, internships etc. might link to all outcomes—but otherwise, courses will typically link to a selection of the outcomes.

2. Every outcome needs to be linked to at least one course.  If an outcome is not linked—how will students learn or master it?

3. More linking isn’t necessarily better.  Linking everything, everywhere does very little to help you use the map to make decisions. 


Work Smarter with WIDS Software

WIDS instructional design software helps you create and manage your curriculum maps easily.  With WIDS you can save time and ensure consistency.

  • Use the simple interface for mapping multiple sets of outcomes to courses.
  • Customize linking terminology to meet your institution’s needs.
  • Print maps in a variety of formats for sharing.
  • Linked learning outcomes automatically drop into course outlines and syllabi!

Want to learn more about Curriculum Maps?

Find out how WIDS Software and Services can help you write, manage, and assess your program outcomes. Contact us for more information or a free webinar. info@wids.org  www.wids.org   

BONUS: Download Sample Curriculum Map

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