Our Software Clients

WIDS clients often have unique and varying curriculum initiatives, but all focus on their key stakeholder -- their learners. Our clients range from education organizations to business and government agencies. We consider clients partners in education, advocating for sound instructional design and accountability for student learning. Many have been WIDS clients since the company began in 1994!

Software - Client Case Studies

Mitchell Technical College

Mitchell Technical College

Mitchell Technical College has been a WIDS software client since 2009 and is the tool for managing curriculum integrity at their organization,

"WIDS helps us with program and institutional accreditations and ensures course quality and rigor,' notes Carol Grode-Hanks, Vice President of Academics. "Our faculty appreciate one template for syllabi and the ease in creating and posting them for easy student access through our LMS."

All faculty and administration rely on the WIDS Curriculum Management system to: 

  • Develop course outcomes summaries
  • Build course syllabi
  • Design Programs
  • Plan for outcomes assessment
  • Create curriculum maps
  • Review and approve curriculum projects
  • Print administrative reports
  • Manage project status 
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